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Mora Primary & Nursery School

Home & School Agreement

Mora Primary and Nursery School is a place of learning for all. Individuals feel safe, are happy and are encouraged to become confident, creative and reflective. We nurture global citizens of the future who reach their full potential.


At Mora, we aim to

  • Develop confident, creative thinkers
  • Foster self-confidence and self esteem
  • Raise educational standards by outing success within the reach of all our children
  • Provide everyone with the right to learn, be safe and be respected and take responsibility for our actions
  • Tackle injustice, discrimination and inequality in all its forms
  • Create a caring, happy, healthy and supportive environment
  • Work together in partnership with all stakeholders
  • Feel valued as individual within a global community

Agreement for School

The school will…

  • Expect the best from children in their behaviour and work
  • Inform parents, at least once a term, how their children are progressing
  • Inform children, parents and carers what the teachers aim to teach the children each term
  • Set home learning tasks in keeping with the school’s Home Learning policy
  • Contact parents and carers as soon as possible if we are concerned about your child’s work or behaviour
  • Contact parents and carers if there is a concern about your child’s attendance or punctuality
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the needs of children
  • Provide support, ideas and access to expertise for families 

Agreement for Pupils

  • Aim for excellence and always try my best
  • Listen to my teachers and classmates
  • Show respect for people and property
  • Follow instructions straight away
  • Use my manners
  • Keep my hands and feet to myself
  • Come to school every day on time
  • Complete my home learning and send it in to school
  • Wear the correct school uniform

Agreement for Parents/Carers

To help my child at school, I will…

  • Make sure that my child arrives at school on time and is collected on time
  • Keep the school up to date with accurate contact details
  • Make sure that my child attends school regularly and inform the school of the reason for any absence
  • Support the school in maintaining the Behaviour for Learning policy
  • Listen to my child read regularly and support my child with their Home Learning
  • Support my child’s learning by attending school events and meetings
  • Ensure that my child wears a named/labelled school uniform to school every day
  • Let the child know if there are any problems that may affect my child’s ability to learn
  • Support the school approach to online safety